Hi, my name is Elise Dowling! I was so excited when i found out i would be getting a Flat Stanley in the mail because I am in 9th grade and I remember doing this in 2nd or 3rd grade too. Flat Stanley made by Yugeirys made it safe and sound to Grand Rapids, Michigan a week or so ago. He has settled in well with my family that lives here including my mom, 17 year old brother and my 11 year old dog. We have been having alot of fun together but i keep forgetting my camera when we go out so i'm very sorry i dont have many pictures to show. This is us together in my pink bedroom and Flat Stanley outside of our house:

I took Flat Stanley downtown GR when i went out to dinner with my family one day. Downtown Grand Rapids is not a huge city but a decent size. There are a lot of cool buildings and art pieces you can see like this one shown below. Every fall there is a big art festival called Art Prize and people from all over the United States enter and bring there art pieces like paintings, statues, etc. and many families and people of all ages go downtown and walk around and vote on what art piece they think should win.

During different seasons in the year there are different things to do in Michigan. In the winter is gets very cold and snowy. We got lucky this winter and only had a few big snow falls. The kids here get very happy when sometimes we get snow days. That means there is to much snow on the roads and its to dangerous to go to school in so we get to stay home for the day. It is really bizarre having 70- 75 degree weather the past week and a half in mid March. Usually it is cold and doesnt start warming up till mid April. During the winter alot of people drive up north Michigan and go skiing or snowboarding. During the summer there are a lot of beaches you can go to and a lot of sports that are played. My family plays golf a lot during the summer and other people play soccer, tennis, run, swim, etc. Many people go pick pumpkins and go apple picking during the fall.
Flat Stanley and my dog, Hogan, have enjoyed spending time together, too.
Thank you for sending Flat Stanley to me and my family in Michigan. We are having a great time!
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